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List of Publications 

29 / Jozwiak A, Panda S, Akiyama R, Yoneda A, Umemoto N, Saito K, Yasumoto S, Muranaka T, Gharat SA, Kazachkova Y, Dong Y, Arava S, Goliand I, Nevo R, Rogachev I, Meir S, Mizutani M, Aharoni A. A cellulose synthase–like protein governs the biosynthesis of Solanum alkaloids. Science 386, (2024) eadq5721 doi: 10.1126/science.adq5721 PMID: 39700293.

28 / Berman P, Alejandro de Haro L, Cavaco AR, Panda S, Dong Y, Kuzmich N, Lichtenstein G, Peleg Y, Harat H, Jozwiak A, Cai J, Heinig U, Meir S, Rogachev I, Aharoni A. The biosynthetic pathway of the hallucinogen mescaline and its heterologous reconstruction. Mol Plant. 2024 Jun 3:S1674-2052(24)00179-5. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2024.05.012. PMID: 38835170.

27 / Sonawane PD*, Gharat SA*, Jozwiak A, Barbole R, Heinicke S, Almekias-Siegl E, Meir S, Rogachev I, Connor SEO, Giri AP, Aharoni A. A BAHD-type acyltransferase concludes the biosynthetic pathway of non-bitter glycoalkaloids in ripe tomato fruit. Nat Commun. 2023 Jul 27;14(1):4540. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-40092-5. PMID: 37500644.

26 / Berman P*, de Haro L*, Jozwiak A*, Panda S, Pinkas Z, Dong Y, Cveticanin J, Barbole R, Livne R, Scherf T, Shimoni E, Levin-Zaidman S, Dezorella N, Petrovich-Kopitman E, Meir S, Rogachev I, Sonawane P, Aharoni A. Parallel evolution of cannabinoid biosynthesis. Nat Plants. 2023 PMID: 37127748.

25 / Sonawane PD, Jozwiak A, Barbole R, Panda S, Abebie B, Kazachkova Y, Gharat SA, Ramot O, Unger T, Wizler G, Meir S, Rogachev I, Doron-Faigenboim A, Petreikov M, Schaffer A, Giri AP, Scherf T, Aharoni A. 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases drive expansion of steroidal alkaloid structural diversity in the genus Solanum. New Phytol. 2022 May;234(4):1394-1410. doi: 10.1111/nph.18064. Epub 2022 Mar 28. PMID: 35238413.

24 / Panda S, Jozwiak A, Sonawane PD, Szymanski J, Kazachkova Y, Vainer A, Vasuki Kilambi H, Almekias-Siegl E, Dikaya V, Bocobza S, Shohat H, Meir S, Wizler G, Giri AP, Schuurink R, Weiss D, Yasuor H, Kamble A, Aharoni A. Steroidal alkaloids defence metabolism and plant growth are modulated by the joint action of gibberellin and jasmonate signalling. New Phytol. 2022 Feb;233(3):1220-1237. doi: 10.1111/nph.17845. Epub 2021 Dec 3. PMID: 34758118.

23 / Baczewska-DÄ…browska, A.H., Dmuchowski, W., Gozdowski, D., Gworek, B., Jozwiak A, Swiezewska, E., Dabrowski, P., Suwara, I. The importance of prenol lipids in mitigating salt stress in the leaves of Tilia × euchlora trees. Trees (2021). 

22 / Cai J, Jozwiak A, Holoidovsky L, Meijler MM, Meir S, Rogachev I, Aharoni A. Glycosylation of N-hydroxy-pipecolic acid equilibrates between systemic acquired resistance response and plant growth. Mol Plant. 2021 Mar 1;14(3):440-455. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.12.018. Epub 2020 Dec 30. PMID: 33387676.

21 / Sonawane PD, Jozwiak A, Panda S, Aharoni A. 'Hijacking' core metabolism: a new panache for the evolution of steroidal glycoalkaloids structural diversity. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2020 Jun;55:118-128. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2020.03.008. Epub 2020 May 21. PMID: 32446857.

20 / Jozwiak A, Sonawane PD, Panda S, Garagounis C, Papadopoulou KK, Abebie B, Massalha H, Almekias-Siegl E, Scherf T, Aharoni A. Plant terpenoid metabolism co-opts a component of the cell wall biosynthesis machinery. Nat Chem Biol. 2020 Jul;16(7):740-748. doi: 10.1038/s41589-020-0541-x. Epub 2020 May 18. PMID: 32424305.

19 / Dmuchowski W, Baczewska-DÄ…browska A, Gozdowski D, BrÄ…goszewska P, Gworek B, Suwara I, Chojnacki T, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E. 2021. Effect of salt stress in urban conditions on two Acer species with different sensitivity. PeerJ 9:e10577

18 / Dmuchowski, W., BrÄ…goszewska, P., Gozdowski, D. Baczewska-Dabrowska A, Chojnacki T, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E, Suwara E, Gworek B. Strategies of urban trees for mitigating salt stress: a case study of eight plant species. Trees (2020).

17 / Korenblum E, Dong Y, Szymanski J, Panda S, Jozwiak A, Massalha H, Meir S, Rogachev I, Aharoni A. Rhizosphere microbiome mediates systemic root metabolite exudation by root-to-root signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Feb 18;117(7):3874-3883. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1912130117. Epub 2020 Feb 3. PMID: 32015118; PMCID: PMC7035606.

16 / Cárdenas PD*, Sonawane PD*, Heinig U, Jozwiak A, Panda S, Abebie B, Kazachkova Y, Pliner M, Unger T, Wolf D, Ofner I, Vilaprinyo E, Meir S, Davydov O, Gal-On A, Burdman S, Giri A, Zamir D, Scherf T, Szymanski J, Rogachev I, Aharoni A. Pathways to defense metabolites and evading fruit bitterness in genus Solanum evolved through 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. Nat Commun. 2019 Nov 14;10(1):5169. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13211-4. PMID: 31727889; PMCID:

15 / Gryz E, Perlińska-Lenart U, Gawarecka K, Jozwiak A, Piłsyk S, Lipko A, Jemiola-Rzeminska M, Bernat P, Muszewska A, Steczkiewicz K, Ginalski K, Długoński J, Strzalka K, Swiezewska E, Kruszewska JS. Poly-Saturated Dolichols from Filamentous Fungi Modulate Activity of Dolichol-Dependent Glycosyltransferase and Physical Properties of Membranes. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jun 21;20(12):3043. doi: 10.3390/ijms20123043. PMID: 31234450; PMCID: PMC6628320.

14 / Jozwiak A, Lipko A, Kania M, Danikiewicz W, Surmacz L, Witek A, Wojcik J, Zdanowski K, PÄ…czkowski C, Chojnacki T, Poznanski J, Swiezewska E. Modeling of Dolichol Mass Spectra Isotopic Envelopes as a Tool to Monitor Isoprenoid Biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 2017 Jun;174(2):857-874. doi: 10.1104/pp.17.00036. Epub 2017 Apr 6. PMID: 28385729; PMCID: PMC5462023.

13 / Dmuchowski W, Bragoszewska P, Gozdowski D, Baczewska-Dabrowska A, Chojnacki T, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E, Gworek B, Suwara I. Strategy of Ginkgo biloba L. in the mitigation of salt stress in the urban environment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening (2019) 38: 223-231.

12 / Milewska-Hendel A, Baczewska AH, Sala K, Dmuchowski W, BrÄ…goszewska P, Gozdowski D, Jozwiak A, Chojnacki T, Swiezewska E, Kurczynska E. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cell wall components and prenyl lipids in the leaves of Tilia x euchlora trees growing under salt stress. PLoS One. 2017 Feb 24;12(2):e0172682. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172682. PMID: 28234963; PMCID: PMC5325302.

11 / Jozwiak A, Gutkowska M, Gawarecka K, Surmacz L, Buczkowska A, Lichocka M, Nowakowska J, Swiezewska E. POLYPRENOL REDUCTASE2 Deficiency Is Lethal in Arabidopsis Due to Male Sterility. Plant Cell. 2015 Dec;27(12):3336-53. doi: 10.1105/tpc.15.00463. Epub 2015 Dec 1. PMID: 26628744; PMCID: PMC4707453.

10 / Baczewska A. H, Dmuchowski W, Jozwiak A, Gozdowski D, BrÄ…goszewska P, DÄ…browski P, Swiezewska E. Effect of salt stress on prenol lipids in the leaves of Tilia 'Euchlora'. Dendrobiology (2014) 72: 177-186.

9 / Jozwiak A, Brzozowski R, Bujnowski Z, Chojnacki T, Swiezewska E. Application of supercritical CO2 for extraction of polyisoprenoid alcohols and their esters from plant tissues. J Lipid Res. 2013 Jul;54(7):2023-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.D038794. Epub 2013 May 14. PMID: 23673976; PMCID: PMC3679403.

8 / Jozwiak A, Ples M, Skorupinska-Tudek K, Kania M, Dydak M, Danikiewicz W, Swiezewska E. Sugar availability modulates polyisoprenoid and phytosterol profiles in Arabidopsis thaliana hairy root culture. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Feb;1831(2):438-47. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2012.11.006. Epub 2012 Nov 22. PMID: 23178167.

7 / Segatto M, Manduca A, Lecis C, Rosso P, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E, Moreno S, Trezza V, Pallottini V. Simvastatin treatment highlights a new role for the isoprenoid/cholesterol biosynthetic pathway in the modulation of emotional reactivity and cognitive performance in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2014 Mar;39(4):841-54. doi: 10.1038/npp.2013.284. Epub 2013 Oct 10. PMID: 24108067; PMCID: PMC3924519.

6 / Trapani L, Segatto M, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E, Pallottini V. HMG CoA reductase inhibition by Simvastatin gets rat β-Myosin Heavy Chain disappeared: a statin paradox. Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology. (2013) 3:1-5.

5 / Lefeber DJ, de Brouwer AP, Morava E, Riemersma M, Schuurs-Hoeijmakers JH, Absmanner B, Verrijp K, van den Akker WM, Huijben K, Steenbergen G, van Reeuwijk J, Jozwiak A, Zucker N, Lorber A, Lammens M, Knopf C, van Bokhoven H, Grünewald S, Lehle L, Kapusta L, Mandel H, Wevers RA. Autosomal recessive dilated cardiomyopathy due to DOLK mutations results from abnormal dystroglycan O-mannosylation. PLoS Genet. 2011 Dec;7(12):e1002427. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002427. Epub 2011 Dec 29. PMID: 22242004; PMCID: PMC3248466.

4 / Trapani L, Melli L, Segatto M, Trezza V, Campolongo P, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E, Pucillo LP, Moreno S, Fanelli F, Linari M, Pallottini V. Effects of myosin heavy chain (MHC) plasticity induced by HMGCoA-reductase inhibition on skeletal muscle functions. FASEB J. 2011 Nov;25(11):4037-47. doi: 10.1096/fj.11-184218. Epub 2011 Jul 28. PMID: 21798954.

3 / Zhang J, Angala SK, Pramanik PK, Li K, Crick DC, Liav A, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E, Jackson M, Chatterjee D. Reconstitution of functional mycobacterial arabinosyltransferase AftC proteoliposome and assessment of decaprenylphosphorylarabinose analogues as arabinofuranosyl donors. ACS Chem Biol. 2011 Aug 19;6(8):819-28. doi: 10.1021/cb200091m. Epub 2011 May 26. PMID: 21595486; PMCID: PMC3158817.

2 / Gajjar D, Jozwiak A, Swiezewska E, Alapure B, Parmar T, Johar K, Vasavada AR. Quantification of dolichol in the human lens with different types of cataracts. Mol Vis. 2009 Aug 11;15:1573-9. PMID: 19693292; PMCID: PMC2728568.

1 / Czarnocki S, Wojtasiewicz K, Jozwiak A, Maurin J, Czarnocki Z, Drabowicz J. Enantioselective synthesis of (+)-trypargine and (+)-crispine E, Tetrahedron (2008) 64: 3176.

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